
Effective Project Management Leads to Success


In the fast-paced world of business, challenges can arise at any moment. It's the companies that can adapt quickly with tailored project management that will succeed.. 

Organic Valley approached us with a challenge. They had 68 semi-trailers of whey protein that needed to be inspected and cleaned before being sold and shipped to stores. This was a massive undertaking that required effective project management and a team of experts with ten weeks to complete. However, we knew we could do better. 

Despite facing several challenges, including a remote location with no public transportation or ride-share programs, we were able to assemble a fantastic team of seven travel associates who worked tirelessly to complete the project. Our Project Lead went above and beyond, making four trips a day to the job site and back to the hotel to ensure everyone got to work on time. While facing inclement weather, the Organic Valley team helped us out with rides back to the hotel, which was a huge relief. 

Thanks to our team’s dedication and hard work, we were able to complete the project in just six weeks instead of the original ten. This not only saved Organic Valley time but also salvaged the majority of the product in the process. We understood the importance of inspecting, vacuuming, wiping off, and restacking the products properly for Organic Valley to ensure their profits weren’t affected. 


Organic Valley is a first-class organization that invested in our employee safety and ensured they were taken care of,”

-Shawn Larkin, Senior Manager of Execution
SASR Workforce Solutions.

We were thrilled to have been a part of such a successful project and are grateful for the opportunity to work with Organic Valley. This project was a prime example of how creative project management can overcome even the toughest challenges. By relying on our team’s determination and willingness to go above and beyond, we were able to save Organic Valley’s sales and complete the project successfully.

We believe that every problem has a solution.

We work with our clients to develop customized project management and workforce solutions that meet their unique needs and challenges. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business overcome its workforce challenges.


SASR Workforce Solutions is a Cary, NC-based market leader in the retail, warehouse & distribution, and grocery staffing space. We provide comprehensive workforce solutions that allow clients to strengthen their labor needs across various initiatives, including new store setups, store remodels, project management & managed programs, and other temporary and direct hire labor solutions. SASR provides nationwide coverage across all 50 states via a technology-enabled, centralized approach to recruiting and staffing.